Everything.About.Mika. ♥

Fun Facts ♥

*He's about 6'4, around 188-191cm tall
*He weighs around 161 lbs or 73 kg

*His nationality is half-Lebanese, and half-American, he considers himself British.
*He collects toys, although he prefers TO-FU dolls
*He is obsessed with white shoes
*His favourite comic strip is Hergé's
Adventure's of TinTin
*He loves the circus
*His favourite song from Life In Cartoon Motion is Lollipop
*His favourite songs from The Boy Who Knew Too Much is Toy Boy and Rain.
*His biggest influence is Harry Nilson
*If he was an animal, he'd be a duck.
*He is dyslexic, although that has not stopped him from achieving his dream.
*He also has OCD, which sometimes causes him to buy three pairs of any clothing item.
*He speaks English and French fluently, although he has some knowledge of Spanish and can speak a little bit of Arabic
*He also has a slight 'lazy eye' which can be seen on a few photos.
*He wears contact lenses most of the time, but sometimes wears stylish prescription glasses before and after some shows.
*He has a dog called Melachi the Witch, and its a Golden Retriever!
*He is allergic to Mosquito's.
Mika eating a doughnut! Yum!