Everything.About.Mika. ♥

Quotes ♥

What is your dream date? "A date where you don't have to have sex with the person at the end of the night to know that you want to see them again!"

Turn on? Doughnuts and short people

"Oh, I'm completely messed up. But it's okay, I don't need a therapist anymore, I mean, I can just sit and talk on tv shows like this. It's a lot cheaper and quite a lot more fun."

"I get my inspiration from things that are the simplest. The magic has to happen in front of you."

"...and I go from being a hopeless dork to a slightly better dressed hopeless dork"

"Do I have an opinion on it? Of course, I do. I have opinions on everything. I'm a stubborn old mule. The biggest problem is keeping my mouth shut."