Everything.About.Mika. ♥

Mika Talks About Love ♥

Mika is currently single and claims to be going through something of a drought. 'Love? I don’t know if it’s an option for me, really. I consider myself label-less because I could fall in love with anybody – literally – any type, any body. I’m not picky.’
'I’m a very bad flirt, I just don’t know how. And if I do like somebody, it almost never works. I don’t get hit on very often at all. Maybe it’s because I look like a bit of a bastard. But I’m too much in the moment to be arrogant. I hate people who rest on their laurels.’

'What type of person are you looking for? Do they have to be beautiful?
No, not at all. I’m not an aesthete. If my sisters would marry ugly, stable, boring men who don’t pressure them, I would be happy'

'Do you like to be looked after? No, I need to do my own thing.’

'Do you like older lovers? No. For me it’s all about the way they speak. I have a real weakness for certain accents, like Northern Irish.’

Mika’s last long-term relationship ended with him writing a Dear John letter (or was it a Dear Jill letter?) explaining how oppressed he felt. I said, 'You make every little part of me feel bad for being me. Subsequently you whitewash me like my mother used to do to our furniture and you end up with someone bored and brittle and ordinary.'

'Did he send it? Yes.’ He suddenly looks very stern. And I got a song out of it.’ The track, Rain’, opens: You’re making me more ordinary… in every single way.’ He seems angry, but not heartbroken. I don’t mind all that stuff. It makes you who you are. It’s all part of the quilt.’ Does he even want to be in a
relationship? Ye-es,’ he says cautiously. But I like sleeping in my own bed.’